Top Gun Flight School

At iParaglide Top Gun Flight School, we take pride in having taught over 2,000 paragliding students in our 27 years of operation.


We are the longest running school based in Metro Vancouver. Due to our central location, we are the only school that flies all of the relevant kiting parks, training hills and mountains within a 3 hour radius of Vancouver.  This empowers pilots to get to know the key training and flying spots early, optimizes and accelerates learning, and allows them to grow into great future pilots.  

We have the reputation of being an industry leader with an emphasis on engineered safety systems, quality instruction, the finest equipment and creating a positive learning environment for fun and empowering flying.

We offer the highest level of accreditation, with Senior HPAC and Advanced USHPA paragliding instructors, who coach from first flight to expert paraglider pilots and teach and qualify new paragliding instructors.

Top Gun References

We graduated a CF-18 Hornet Pilot from our Top Gun iP2 Novice Paragliding Pilot program.  Read about his impressions of iParaglide.

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iParaglide Location

Located at 962 - 51st Street Tsawwassen, near Vancouver, BC, Canada, for all your paragliding needs. We are ideally situated just minutes away from the finest training hill at Diefenbaker Park.

iParaglide Flying Sites

We are central to paragliding sites in the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Pemberton, Whistler, Bellingham and Seattle area so students enjoy maximum variety and we can work with weather to optimize selection of the best location each day.

Right Stuff Equipment

We regularly test fly the latest paragliding gear and select only the very finest for our iParaglide Right Stuff Paragliding Equipment Store. This ensures our paraglider pilots enjoy a state of the art performance and safety advantage to accelerate their learning curve.

Paragliding Webcams/Wind Stations

Vancouver Paragliding Webcams - get a view of cloud base to plan your paragliding cross country flight adventure.

Woodside Mtn Webcam

Woodside Wind Station

Bridal Webcam

Bridal Wind Station

Chilliwack Webcam

Hope Webcam 

Pemberton Webcam

Tsawwassen Webcam

Bellingham Bay Webcam

Tiger Mtn Webcam 

Main | 2) Swing Mirage 2 RS - Speedflying »

1) Swing Apus RS, Mini-wing

Purchase Inquiry Price Quote (Click Here): Swing Apus RS Mini-wing


The Apus RS is an all-terrain Mini-wing and universal tool for guaranteed fun for practically any occasion. 

Depending on the version (Apus RS or Apus RS Hike), it has a number of uses ranging from soaring in strong winds to dynamic flying at your local site, right through to Hike & Fly tours. What’s more, it will fit perfectly in your luggage thanks to its packed size and light weight. This means the APUS RS is intended for all paraglider pilots and keen Mini-wing pilots, for whom the desire for adventure and a passion for flying have top priority.



Flight behaviour

Depending on the wing loading, its flight behaviour ranges from standard to dynamically direct (refer to the Versatility Table). At the same time, the balanced handling and pleasant roll damping impart a pleasant and familiar feeling during flight with exceptional performance.



Special features

The innovative RAST concept has also proven itself in this category of glider. The delayed filling behaviour ensures that the inflation phase is easy to control and it minimises any tendency to launch the pilot unintentionally, particularly in very steep terrain or in strong winds. Once in the air, RAST ensures less canopy movement in turbulent air as well as an above-average resistance to collapse, which has a positive effect on performance. 


APUS RS Standard 

The Apus RS Standard version uses a combination of 41 and 34g paraglider fabric and standard risers. Custom colours can be ordered only for the standard version.






Apus RS Swift Risers go even further!

Optional Swift Trimmer Risers are available, and increase the already high trim speed of the Apus RS still further by about 6 km/hr.



This is particularly useful on launch when coastal soaring so you can get away from the compression at the soaring ridge in strong wind. 

The RAST system keeps the Apus RS very stable and easy to control even with open trimmers. The trimmers can be quickly and safely grasped and closed if necessary using the stitched T-handle. 

The uncertified trimmer riser can be purchased only as an optional accessory for a cost of Euro 189 gross (Euro 119 in combination with Apus RS order) including quick links and must be ordered separately. Since the Apus RS has no certification with trimmer risers, it can thus be converted back to the version with certification, if re-sold.


Apus RS Hike

The design of the Hike version has been weight-optimised even further. The APUS RS Hike uses a 27g fabric throughout the wing. 



The 27g fabric has limited availability, so the APUS RS Hike is available only in the red/blue colour combination.



Furthermore, extremely lightweight Dyneema risers with soft links are used rather than conventional risers.



Apus RS Hike 20 and 23


Hike & fly with a touch of the miniwing’s style!

In response to strong demand, Swing has added to the Apus RS Hike product range sizes 20 and 23. These make the link from the mini-wing to the thermalling wing, with projected area of 20 / 23m², a weight of only 3.4 / 3.6kg and a weight range of 95 / 110kg (EN-B).




As with the smaller sizes, you will be impressed by the simplicity of the Apus RS Hike 20 and 23 from launch to landing. Risk-conscious mountaineers will appreciate this after a strenuous ascent just as much as hike & fly novices. At the same time, the new sizes are much more than simply a descent method: they cover every eventuality to give you the perfect adventure, from extended thermal flights to dynamic soaring and right through to XC vol bivvy flying!

Here too the innovative RAST concept provides greater safety and performance, particularly in turbulent conditions off the beaten track.



  • Ram Air Section Technology (RAST)
  • Battens on Leading Edge
  • Reefing Brake Detail
  • Apus RS Standard with 41 and 34g fabric and standard risers
  • Apus RS Hike with 27g fabric and Dyneema risers

Technical Specifications

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