Top Gun Flight School

At iParaglide Top Gun Flight School, we take pride in having taught over 2,000 paragliding students in our 27 years of operation.


We are the longest running school based in Metro Vancouver. Due to our central location, we are the only school that flies all of the relevant kiting parks, training hills and mountains within a 3 hour radius of Vancouver.  This empowers pilots to get to know the key training and flying spots early, optimizes and accelerates learning, and allows them to grow into great future pilots.  

We have the reputation of being an industry leader with an emphasis on engineered safety systems, quality instruction, the finest equipment and creating a positive learning environment for fun and empowering flying.

We offer the highest level of accreditation, with Senior HPAC and Advanced USHPA paragliding instructors, who coach from first flight to expert paraglider pilots and teach and qualify new paragliding instructors.

Top Gun References

We graduated a CF-18 Hornet Pilot from our Top Gun iP2 Novice Paragliding Pilot program.  Read about his impressions of iParaglide.

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Located at 962 - 51st Street Tsawwassen, near Vancouver, BC, Canada, for all your paragliding needs. We are ideally situated just minutes away from the finest training hill at Diefenbaker Park.

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We are central to paragliding sites in the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Pemberton, Whistler, Bellingham and Seattle area so students enjoy maximum variety and we can work with weather to optimize selection of the best location each day.

Right Stuff Equipment

We regularly test fly the latest paragliding gear and select only the very finest for our iParaglide Right Stuff Paragliding Equipment Store. This ensures our paraglider pilots enjoy a state of the art performance and safety advantage to accelerate their learning curve.

Paragliding Webcams/Wind Stations

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« 1) Swing Mito 2 RS Paraglider: EN-A | Main | 3) Swing Arcus 2 RS Paraglider - Mid EN-B »

2) Swing Miura RS Paragliding and Paramotor Glider > EN-A or EN-B > Adapt as You Grow

 Purchase Inquiry Price Quote (Click Here): Swing Miura RS Paraglider

The best paraglider is whichever one is best suited to the particular pilot. Swing developed the MIURARS for ambitious paraglding pilots who are looking for a glider with excellent properties in thermal flight, which they can use to perfect their skills over a number of years. 



The MIURARS is an elegant 48 cell paraglider in the easy ENB category, but it transforms into an ENA category glider when needed, in just a few simple steps. You decide which category glider you wish to fly, but at the same time keep your options open.


  • Speed limiter combines A and B categories into one paraglider

  • Balanced handling and excellent climb characteristics

  • RAST for greater control and comfort


The challenge Swing faced when developing the MIURARS was to create a paraglider with enough performance for ambitious beginners to be able to get into thermalling and cross-country flying, but which still had the feeling of safety and comfort during flight found in a basic intermediate wing.



As soon as Swing had tested the first prototypes, Swing knew that the MIURARS  was more than just an ordinary basic intermediate glider. Performance and handling reveal B category genes but, with moderate use of the speed system, its behaviour in terms of safety is consistent with that of a glider in the A category. For this reason,  Swing decided to have the MIURARS certified twice: firstly as an A category glider suitable for training, and secondly as a basic intermediate with its benefits of the extended speed range. This is possible by adding or un-mounting the speed limiter, which pilots can do themselves in just a few seconds. If you decide to buy the MIURARS, you don’t have to choose one or the other!


Who should fly the MIURARS?

Ambitious beginners wanting to use the performance and handling of an intermediate glider in their training, but who still want to keep the passive safety of the A category, will immediately feel at ease with the MIURARS. The balanced damping and optimised RAST system will give you the confidence to climb higher than ever before, even in rough conditions. And on the subject of climbing, even its simple launch behaviour underlines its commitment to transport you with ease into the sky. This means the MIURARS is ideal as your future-proof first paraglider. Pilots coming from a higher EN rating and those who don’t fly very often will also appreciate the glider’s accessible performance.



With 48 cells and its efficient speed system, it offers climb and glide performance that is outstanding in this class, and which will still put a smile on your face even after years. Swing has also refined its handling so that you will always be in full control of the situation even in turbulent thermals. And if conditions should ever become rougher than was expected, RAST will help you maintain pressure in the canopy.



Paramotoring Certification with DGAC

The Miura RS has been certified for paramotoring by the DGAC. The Miura RS not only delights its pilots on the mountain, but can also be flown with an engine. The Miura RS has been designed from the ground up to be optimized to perform very well for both paragliding and paramotoring with the addition of a paramotoring kit including paramotor risers to switch. The transformation should take only minutes and make this already versatile glider very appealing to both paraglider and paramotor pilots and especially those that want to do both.



Speed Limiter

It takes just a few quick steps to limit speed system travel, turning the MIURARS into an ENA category paraglider that is suitable for beginners. When training has been completed, it is just as easy to remove the limiter and enjoy the performance benefits of the ENB category. Ball-bearing pulleys make even the longest lines gliding a breeze.




RAST (Ram Air Section Technology)

The well-proven RAST system is of course part of the MIURARS inner structure. It gives the MIURARS the addition of stability and control and is responsible for its unique and comfortable RAST feeling during takeoff and in flight. The patented bulkhead partition with its valves helps to prevent big collapses and deformations, hence reducing the risk of uncontrolled flight patterns.




Mini Ribs with 3D Shaping and Internal Stitching

Ballooning on the trailing edge has a considerable influence on a paraglider’s control pressure and handling. That’s why, with the Miura RS, ballooning in this area was reduced to a minimum using 3D shaping, in addition to the tried and tested mini ribs. The trick here is that the mini ribs have internal stitching on the top surface so that none of the threads can get caught up on the ground and pulled out, even when launching in difficult terrain.




Nitinol Leading Edge Battens

Nitinol is a high-strength, temperature and corrosion resistant shape memory alloy. The name Nitinol is an acronym for Nickel Titanium Naval Ordnance Laboratory. This material is well-known in medical technology, and for some time Swing has been using it as leading edge reinforcement in paraglider design, one of the first paraglider manufacturers to do so. For the MIURARS, the Nitinol reinforcements are inserted into nylon tubes. This means that the cross-sectional area (and thus the contact area for the top surface material) could be increased without having to forego the positive features of the memory alloy (bend-resistance, length and dimensional stability).





Colored Riser Connections and Brakes

To avoid any mistakes when clipping in, the attachment loops for the MIURARS have colour identification. This lets you see at a glance whether the risers are correctly attached to the harness. Similarly, it is easy to distinguish the left brake from the right and thereby immediately grab the correct one.





Tech Specs 

The Miura RS is equipped with a sleek planform, clean sail tension,  48 cells and RAST to enable peak performance in this category. 




Colour Selection


Purchase Inquiry Price Quote (Click Here): Swing Miura RS Paraglider


Swing Miura RS Manual

Swing Miura RS Service Book 


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