Top Gun Flight School

At iParaglide Top Gun Flight School, we take pride in having taught over 2,000 paragliding students in our 27 years of operation.


We are the longest running school based in Metro Vancouver. Due to our central location, we are the only school that flies all of the relevant kiting parks, training hills and mountains within a 3 hour radius of Vancouver.  This empowers pilots to get to know the key training and flying spots early, optimizes and accelerates learning, and allows them to grow into great future pilots.  

We have the reputation of being an industry leader with an emphasis on engineered safety systems, quality instruction, the finest equipment and creating a positive learning environment for fun and empowering flying.

We offer the highest level of accreditation, with Senior HPAC and Advanced USHPA paragliding instructors, who coach from first flight to expert paraglider pilots and teach and qualify new paragliding instructors.

Top Gun References

We graduated a CF-18 Hornet Pilot from our Top Gun iP2 Novice Paragliding Pilot program.  Read about his impressions of iParaglide.

Social Links

iParaglide Location

Located at 962 - 51st Street Tsawwassen, near Vancouver, BC, Canada, for all your paragliding needs. We are ideally situated just minutes away from the finest training hill at Diefenbaker Park.

iParaglide Flying Sites

We are central to paragliding sites in the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Pemberton, Whistler, Bellingham and Seattle area so students enjoy maximum variety and we can work with weather to optimize selection of the best location each day.

Right Stuff Equipment

We regularly test fly the latest paragliding gear and select only the very finest for our iParaglide Right Stuff Paragliding Equipment Store. This ensures our paraglider pilots enjoy a state of the art performance and safety advantage to accelerate their learning curve.

Paragliding Webcams/Wind Stations

Vancouver Paragliding Webcams - get a view of cloud base to plan your paragliding cross country flight adventure.

Woodside Mtn Webcam

Woodside Wind Station

Bridal Webcam

Bridal Wind Station

Chilliwack Webcam

Hope Webcam 

Pemberton Webcam

Tsawwassen Webcam

Bellingham Bay Webcam

Tiger Mtn Webcam 

« VIMFF Feb 9 -17 with Paragliding | Main | Valle de Bravo, Mexico - Christmas 2016 »

Top Gun Omega > Aug 19-27

We are gearing up for one of our favourite weeks in the year: Top Gun Omega.  

In the Vancouver area, the last week of August (Aug 19-27) has one of the most reliable weather patterns based on historical climate normals.  We choose this window and new local and international pilots come from around the world to join us on a week long paragliding holiday.  They leave refreshed and empowered with the joy of free flight as competent iP2 paraglider pilots!

We start the week with theory and then take new paragliding pilots out to the very finest training hill at Diefenbaker Park.


Students learn to inflate the paraglider to get it flying overhead...  

Load and accelerate to take-off speed in the "superman" position...  










...and steer and fly the paraglider at low altitude to come back down for a soft, graceful landing.



Once new pilots have grasped the fundamentals for launching, flight control and landing,  we move on to additional kiting skills at Vanier Park. 


Then off to Mount Woodside for first high mountain paragliding flights. The Launch Instructor carefully selects ideal wind conditions for the student and guides them to achieve a beautiful launch. 

Pilots take to the sky and soar over a stunning view while executing some graceful turns and other manoeuvres in the sky, as orchestrated by thier flight command Instructors via radio... 


A Landing Field Instructor guides the new pilots in for a safe, gentle landing in the valley below.  






Pilots never forget their first high mountain flight and the smiles after landing are huge! 

We work an optimized progression during mountain flying, soaring onward and upward. Pilots learn how to engage and core thermals and dynamic lift, to stay up, or even climb higher into the deep blue sky.

This one-of-a-kind training progression results in plenty of "aha" moments that change the adventurers perspective of the sky and mountains forever.

With Top Gun total immersion, pilots learn in a positive, efficient and empowering environment that yields more flights per day and skills being built in a synergistic manner.  As a result, Top Gun graduates enjoy a performance and safety advantage that builds a solid foundation of piloting skills that take pilots to ever higher highs. 


Learn more about Top Gun here. We have a couple of spaces still available, if interested, please contact us here

We look forward to working with Top Gun Omega Pod from their first steps leaving the ground to fulfilling their greatest flying dreams as certified paraglider pilots.  A lifetime of adventure awaits!

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