Top Gun Flight School

At iParaglide Top Gun Flight School, we take pride in having taught over 2,000 paragliding students in our 27 years of operation.


We are the longest running school based in Metro Vancouver. Due to our central location, we are the only school that flies all of the relevant kiting parks, training hills and mountains within a 3 hour radius of Vancouver.  This empowers pilots to get to know the key training and flying spots early, optimizes and accelerates learning, and allows them to grow into great future pilots.  

We have the reputation of being an industry leader with an emphasis on engineered safety systems, quality instruction, the finest equipment and creating a positive learning environment for fun and empowering flying.

We offer the highest level of accreditation, with Senior HPAC and Advanced USHPA paragliding instructors, who coach from first flight to expert paraglider pilots and teach and qualify new paragliding instructors.

Top Gun References

We graduated a CF-18 Hornet Pilot from our Top Gun iP2 Novice Paragliding Pilot program.  Read about his impressions of iParaglide.

Social Links

iParaglide Location

Located at 962 - 51st Street Tsawwassen, near Vancouver, BC, Canada, for all your paragliding needs. We are ideally situated just minutes away from the finest training hill at Diefenbaker Park.

iParaglide Flying Sites

We are central to paragliding sites in the Vancouver, Chilliwack, Pemberton, Whistler, Bellingham and Seattle area so students enjoy maximum variety and we can work with weather to optimize selection of the best location each day.

Right Stuff Equipment

We regularly test fly the latest paragliding gear and select only the very finest for our iParaglide Right Stuff Paragliding Equipment Store. This ensures our paraglider pilots enjoy a state of the art performance and safety advantage to accelerate their learning curve.

Paragliding Webcams/Wind Stations

Vancouver Paragliding Webcams - get a view of cloud base to plan your paragliding cross country flight adventure.

Woodside Mtn Webcam

Woodside Wind Station

Bridal Webcam

Bridal Wind Station

Chilliwack Webcam

Hope Webcam 

Pemberton Webcam

Tsawwassen Webcam

Bellingham Bay Webcam

Tiger Mtn Webcam 

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Flight Club Season Opener Launches the 2015 Season

Spirits were soaring Friday night Mar.27, launching the new 2015 paragliding season at Flight Club!

We had our legendary winging ceremony for 2014 season paraglider pilots that achieved their iP2 wings. 

Local iP2 pilot graduates included:  Dan Ashby, Mike McCabe, Toby Stier & Jay Wildeman.  

International visitors from abroad that achieved iP2 pilot certification via our Top Gun total immersion programs were: Scott Morris (Orlando, Florida), Matt Reid (Hong Kong) Malcolm Wood (Hong Kong).

Special awards for most noteworthy performances were:

Most Improved 2014 iP2 pilot: Dan Ashby. By the end of the 2014 season, Dan's confidence and skills had really improved, executing the most committed, impressive and massive full frontals during our SIV Seminar at Pitt Lake.    

Top Gun 2014 iP2 pilot. Toby Stier gets our Top Gun pilot award, with precise sequenced launches, smooth coordinated turns, and accurate landings.  As the season progressed, he commenced having multi hour soaring and thermalling sessions, including an epic 8 hour flight in Pemberton!

Best Photo Paragliding 2014 went to Degas Levesque for his shot, First Flight Smile, of Dan Ashby.


Best Video Paragliding 2014 went to Bill Hughes for camera work, and Toby Stier for editing, on the Paragliding SIV Pitt Lake 2014 video. Hours of great footage, we hope to release excerpts shortly.

A close second for BEST Video Paragliding 2014 was for Malcolm Wood's:  Paragliding the Bridal.


A thanks went to all the pilots from the 2014 season for great attitude and focus. All worked as a team helping each other set up; spent hours at the training hill and Vanier Park kiting; and displayed good judgement while mountain paragliding, following precise flight plans. They truly earned their wings, and the countless flight smiles made it a pleasure to coach.  

A special thanks went to Degas Levesque, who has continued to grow as one of our Instructors.  In 2014, his boundless passion for the sport radiated through in positive energy while guiding student pilots.  He always ensured pilots were learning the full spectrum of skills, going beyond the requirements of the USHPA and HPAC systems. 

The night proceeded with veterans sharing stories of epic flights, including Degas' recent trip to New Zealand and a planned "top secret" reconnaissance mission of the Terrace area with an upcoming helicopter & paraglide to some previously un-flown summits.

There were many 2015 student pilots bubbling with questions and keen anticipation of upcoming first training hill and mountain flights.

We had a great night sharing a few beer while discussing the upcoming paragliding season, especially with new 2015 prospective pilots, whose budding interest promises to bring a season filled with great new adventures, exploring the sky and plenty of "aha" moments.

Looking forward to a stellar season of paragliding!

Reader Comments (1)

"Best Video Paragliding 2014 went to Bill Hughes for camera work, and Toby Stier for editing, on the Paragliding SIV Pitt Lake 2014 video. Hours of great footage, we hope to release excerpts shortly."

Did the winning video ever get published afterwards?

July 6, 2016 | Registered CommenterMark Carter

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