Icaro Wildcat TE Medium Orange Paraglider < 50 Hours

Wildcat TE Medium Orange < 50 Hours Purchase Inquiry
This Icaro Wildcat TE Medium orange-purple-white paraglider is in great shape, having meticulously cared for by a student of iParaglide.
Read the details of this lightly used paraglider's original design brief and technical specifications below:
The Wildcat TE builds on the technical evolution (TE) gained during the Maverick 2 development. It offers talented new to intermediate pilots stress free flying, within the safety of the EN B class.
An extensive test regimen was conducted in cross flights and turbulent conditions to ensure the glider evoked confidence in lower air time pilots. During final trimming, valuable input was provided from instructors, recreational pilots and distributors who helped polish the Wildcat TE into a work of art.
The result is a simple to fly paraglider that dampens turbulence and yields a high performance level for smooth and inspiring cross country flights.
The aspect ratio of 5.5 flat and 4.5 projected is higher than typically found in this class, see below table for a comparison of popular EN B class paragliders.
A review of the details of this paraglider impress:
- Optimized light weight construction in the interior and use of NCV Skytex 27 light material for the bottom sail for improved extreme flight behavior
- Low pack volume
- Leading Edge battens for improved inflation and stability at full speed
- Performance-Air-Intake-Flaps (PAIF), an Icaro innovation, are small fabric triangles under the leading edge that increase the cell opening size during inflation, for a simple launch. In flight, the flaps close, and reduce the cell openings to a smaller size typically only found on ENC class paragliders, to achieve an additional performance boost.
- Extensive v-rib and span wise pre-tensioned struts allow for: a high aspect ratio, a low form profile, a wrinkle free paraglider canopy, optimized sail form rigidity, and lines only every third cell.
- Mini ribs at the trailing edge for a razor-sharp profile
- Equipped with ICARO's patented TSO Trim Speed Optimizer Risers, the paraglider can be individually adjusted to optimize for pilots loading, aging or sub-zero temperatures. The Wildcat TE will continue to fly at its optimum trim for years to come.
- Pro-grip brake handles, an Icaro innovation, allow customizing the brake handle size for the paraglider pilot. Swivels prevent twisting of the brake lines.
Target Group
For pilots who fly 50 or more hours per season, that want an intuitive feeling paraglider with exceptional glide and thermalling characteristics for good natured XC potential.